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Bid Management 

When a must-win bid lands on your desk, the biggest challenge can be simply finding the time in your schedule and that of your team to tackle it efficiently and effectively.


 This will often lead to the different sections of the bid being divided up and handed to different individuals who then set about working on ‘their’ section remotely. When these are then hurriedly put together into one document as the deadline is looming, you can quite easily begin to see how mistakes and inconsistencies can creep into the final version, and it can end up lacking that ‘common voice’ that is so important in tender, proposal and bid writing.


 Whilst there is no problem with different people writing different sections according to their areas of expertise, the challenge our customers often have is they are trying to perform the role of a Bid Manager effectively, whilst also managing their day job.


 The good news for you then, is this IS our day job. Our experienced Bid Coordinators can help pull your team together, articulate the strategy for your bid, split the responses into logical sections, organise roles and responsibilities and get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet.


 Additionally, one of our experienced Bid Writers can perform the role of ‘Managing Editor’ taking responses and drafts produced and ensuring they are consistent, in line with the brief and crucially that the bid holds together with a common voice and set of themes.


​For a more detailed overview of how we approach bids, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our experts (still no sales people here…)


If you have an important bid coming up and an internal team who could be utilised more effectively, then outsourcing the job in its entirety might not be the answer. Instead, please contact us about how we can help you manage your bids better, and up-skill your team in the process.

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